Welcome to the CVOS
27 Years and getting stronger. The CVOS was formed by interested orchid growers in 1997. The purpose is to provide members with education and fellowship in their orchid growing endeavors. To that end we continue today. We invite the orchid growing public, and interested plant hobbyist to join our members at our monthly functions.

Bulbophyllum mastersianum 'Bredren'
CVOS Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each Month, excluding August and December.
Assembley begins around 6:30PM and the meetings start at 7:00PM. Meetings usually last till around 9:00PM.
Members are encouraged to bring their plants for show and tell after the evenings program.Â
It’s amazing to see what members have tucked away in their collections . . .
August Orchids & BBQ
Our Annual Members BBQ in August is a favorite event for the Membership.
Ironwood Estate Orchids hosts this yearly event. Dale Erikson serves up his award winning pulled port and the members provide a pot-luck bonanzaa.
The food is great, the orchids incredible and it’s a great time to mingle.
For another sweet treat shop Ironwoods Greenhouses for great plants . . .
CVOS Christmas Party
Members select a local culinary venue for this long time December tradition. We can mingle and talk and partake in excellent and plentiful food and the best part is no one has to do dishes.
We also have favors and other suprises for the members present. 2024 had close to a couple dozen members and companions.
The society also started up its tradition of offering members a Christmas Orchid . . .
Summer Fund Raiser
Our July fund raiser is a main source of capital for the society.
The Hickory Furniture Mart host an Artisan’s Weekend in conjunction with their July Sales-aganza, one of their major promotions of the year.
The CVOS is given tables and prime realestate to sell our plants. It’s work, but well worth it and the plant quality and prices are hard to beat.
Proceeds from this event funds hositng Speakers otherwise not available locally . . .
CVOS is an Affiliate of the America Orchid Society
The American Orchid Society is the Grand Dame of Horticultural societies in the US, with a worldwide reputation of its point scored awards system.
Established in 1932, the Society has been housed at Harvard, It’s Palm Beach Estate location, a campus custome built in Deerfield Beach and now operating out of Fairchild Gardens in Florids.
The AOS houses a world class collecton of orchid publications, art and science publicaations. The CVOS benefits and as an Affiliate, our society can pull from the AOS’s offerings to better serve our membership.
CVOS is an Affiliate of the Orchid Digest Corporation
While the AOS was established along the East Coast, the West Coast orchid community were developing their own equivalent.
The ODC is focused on scientific exploration of orchids and cataloging orchid species. Both the ODC and the AOS are world reknown for their publications, research, conservation and many other worthwhile orchid projects.
Here again affiliation opens access for the CVOS and its membership to benefit from the ODC’s offerings.
CVOS on FaceBook
The CVOS has long had a FaceBook presence.  Once this website is proofed and fully up to speed we will turn our attention to developing our FB outreach to the local horticulutral community.
As projects are completed and tested we will also be discussing other outreach venues to grow our membership.
We currentlly meet at the Catawba Valley Extension offices in Newton, NC. These facilities offer easy access and excellent seating and electronic facilites for presentations.
CVOS Carolina Orchid Blog
While the Catawba Valley is our home base, we realize assisting orchid growers from other areas is important.
We hope this blog will alert orchid growers to events in the area.
Who doesn’t like an orchid show, a favorite speaker or the chance to learn at orchid functions, symposiums and presentations throughout our area.
The CVOS hopes this blog will give a real-time window to our membership and other interested hobbyist on orchid events in the region.