Christmas Party

Rhyncolaelia digbyana var fimbriapetala

The third Tuesday of each December the CVOS Membership comes together for our beloved Christmas Party.  Months prior to the event members toss ideas of venue out for consideration.

Once the membership has reach conscensus on our choice of host for our Christmas Party, resevations are made at the venue. Â

This allows great food, plenty of time for membership to mingle and share.  In addition, we once again have resumed providing each member, and their affiliated companion, to go home with a Christmas Orchid provided by the Society.Â

Great food, great company, free orchids and no one gets stuck with doing dishes.  Now that’s a win-win in any book.Â

Christmas Gifts

We re-instituted our annual Christmas Gift Orchid for members in good standing and attendance at party.  Great plants from Sunset Valley Orchids.


We are beginning to grow.  Double the attendance in ’24 vs. other post Covid  years.

Gift Plant Table

Orchids for all. plus gifts of carnivorous plants, exotic foliage cuttings and tabletop Mason jar arrangements created by XXX and SSS made this Christmas ’24 extra special.